Ditch 13, 13A, 13B, 13C and 13E Watershed

During the month of March 18 through March 21, 2024
• Ditch 13B (3/18/2024) This ditch was mowed only, with no unusual observations.
• Ditch 13C (3/21/2024) The crew trimmed all trees that needed to be trimmed at this ditch.

During the month of April 18 through September 25, 2024
The Ditch system of Ditch 13 was completed on several dates. Our crew thoroughly cleaned and mowed this ditch system and made sure the entire system was in great condition
• Ditch 13B and 13E (4/18/2024) This ditch was mowed only. No spraying took place.
• Ditch 13B, 13C, 13E, (6/24 -26/2024) The crew cleaned debris from the area. They mowed in these ditches also.
• Ditch 13B, C, E - 7/19/2024 and 7/20/2023 - The mowing crew mowed the whole system. It was mowed only, no spraying because this was a wet month.
• Ditch 13C, E - 8/19/2024 and 9/26/2024 - Our crews mowed these ditches only, due to wet and marshy conditions from lots of rain in this month. Removed trees and debris.